Conducting multiple exams throughout the year is most tiring, complicated, and long multi layered process. This is where the quality of the education and students' progress is assessed and perceived. We give all the tools for planning, conducting the exams, uploading marks, evaluating the results. We continuously are working in building tools to enable schools to realize the gaps and deficiencies in advance before they become problems.



Vedam give you easy and flexible way to design the any type of exam that you would need. You can define the dates, subjects, timings, syllabus, teachers for each class and section. You can create the schedule completely from scratch or you can copy from any of previous exams conducted. If needed and optionally, you can also generate hall tickets with single click and print them.


Once the exams are conducted examination administrators can upload all the subject results. Optionally, each teacher can upload their marks at each class level for their subjects. School can choose their way of ranking or grading. Several templates for ranking and grading will be given and school can chose what they want based on their school type. Exam results can be shared with parents in a single click.

result and ranking

Parents can see the trends in marks for each subjects with-in a year and as well as over the years.